Today something happened that really upset me. It doesn't matter what it was, just that it made me very angry, emotional & feel out of control.
I was ready to be angry about this situation for days. However, I don't want to give it and the people involved that power.
I have TOO many things to be happy about. There are the big life things; I'm healthy, my unborn child is healthy, my husband loves me and I love him, we're happy, my friends and family are all happy and healthy, we have great jobs, a house, a car and everything we need. If this is not enough to pull my spirits up...there are all of the wonderful little moments that happen all the time.
Since the anger-inducing incident this afternoon; I have finished a task I was putting off that I was dreading, which was neither difficult nor lengthy, and it feels so good to have it completed, I saw how much a teacher with whom I work cares about a previous student of hers and it makes me proud to work with such amazing people, I shared a fantastic inside joke with some coworkers that gave me a great belly laugh, it is 20 degrees celcius in the middle of October and just BEAUTIFUL outside and my little TNG gave me some great rolling kicks to tell me everything was going great.
Sure, I'm still upset about the thing earlier, but I will not give it the power to ruin my day, my week or my month. It is stupid and annoying but it will not define how I get to feel about all of these other amazing things. I have the power, the power to be happy, blessed and grateful...and I choose to give those things my power.