Friday, November 16, 2012

Into the final stretch...

I say that now, but really...the final stretch will either be the week before my due date, or the week AFTER if TNG is late!

But I do feel like I'm coming into the next phase of my pregnancy. I have started to "feel" pregnant, which I haven't really felt up until this point. Don't get me wrong, I am aware of TNG kicking, and my body changing little by little, my midnight trips to the bathroom and the difficulty getting up from down. But everything is becoming more pronounced now.

My tummy is finally feeling round and full of life. TNG's kicks and movements are more intelligent and structured. My body is starting to ache and shift. My ankles are swelling. It's amazing how swollen ankles is one of the un-sexiest feelings in the world! I could be dressed to the nines, feel absolutely fantastic and well rested from head to toe, but to look down and see swollen ankles...blargh...I just feel like a blob. The good thing is that they remind me to get up and walk around frequently, stretch my legs out regularly and stay hydrated. All positive things that I should be doing anyway...but the reminder of the ankles definitely helps.

I've also been having a strange sensation; the feeling of something touching my cervix. TMI for anyone who doesn't like personal female details...but I compare it to the feeling of the Q-tip on my cervix during an internal exam. I've googled it a bit and asked a couple of people and it sounds like it's TNG. Whether just TNG's head moving around, or maybe TNGs fingers touching it. It only bothers me when I'm standing and gets worse when I'm walking. But whatever it is, it is uncomfortable, and makes me think of when you hit your funny bone. It doesn't hurt so just feels weird and you want it to stop. So I do some hip shaking and wiggling and it tends to stop. Which is quite a sight in public! ;)

And then there's my hands. I've never been slim fingered, having inherited my grandfather's short and stubby hands. My fingers aren't really swelling all that much, they've always had this look, but in the middle of the night they feel like balloons and they ache. I'm just grateful that they don't bother me during the day and I can type away and get work done. But making a fist first thing in the morning is excrutiating.

My eating has also become challenged. I'm starving most of the time, and I love sweet treats, but they cause me mild acid reflux in my throat, so I try to avoid them most of the time, or chase them with tums. I definitely crave comfort foods, anything with hamburger and potato or pasta or rice ... mmmm carbs ... is a go! But I feel like I could eat buckets of food, and then I can't because there's no room. Sometimes I'll only have a little and feel like I'll be sick, because it's all just sitting on top. Nothing severe, but definitely not the most comfortable of feelings.

But I am also so blessed by the amount of support I have right now. I see my massage therapist every two weeks and she's a god-send. Our hypnobirthing coach is wonderful and provides me with so much advice and help. We have just hired our doula and I can't wait to start our appointments with her. She has attended 300 births and is so knowledgeable and supportive. Then there are our fantastic midwives. I am so happy with how connected and comfortable we feel with our birth team.

I know most of this post could be seen as the complaints and discomforts of pregnancy, but they're all to be expected. Changes have to happen and they're all happening to prepare the way and for me to give birth to this amazing life inside of me. It's a pretty mid-blowing thing. I try not to overthink it for fear my emotions will get the better of me, which they do very regularly these days. But I'm excited for the amazing journey my body is on, and the final lap it will run on it's own. Because that's my body knows what to do...everything up to this point is getting ready for the "big day" and when that day comes, I hope to be able to say "okay body...this ones your's...I've prepared us as best I can, but you know what to do".

with love

Monday, November 12, 2012

Just how much to share?

I work in an elementary school. I am the office administrator. My views are mine, but I represent a very public organization and I work with kids. I don't go by my real name on Facebook or Twitter because of this. I don't want "the opinions expressed" to affect my daily environment, although I will express these same opinions in the work place, it's just not AS public and AS up for attack as if they're out there on the World Wide Web (do we still call it that?). Plus I choose which individuals with whom I feel safe sharing.

I'm also very pregnant. I'm 34.5 weeks pregnant (only 5.5 to go...if TNG is on time). Many parts of being pregnant are TMI...the feelings, the fluids, the sensations, the emotions, the struggles, the joy, the thoughts, and I can go on. Again, this is stuff I share with friends, family and co-workers alike, but there is something extremely public about putting it all out there on my blog.

But that's what blogging is all about, right? Talking about what I know, what I'm going through, what my day/week/experience was about.

And I WANT to blog about it, I'm just...afraid...afraid that it could affect my job...afraid it could make me a target for hate, anger and judgement.

I think this fear is what has been holding me back in really letting loose on my blog. I think I'd be a great regular blogger, I've just got cold feet.

BUT...I'm removing myself from the work force for a year while on mat leave. Who knows...maybe I won't have time to sit and blog once TNG makes their appearance and all of this will be moot? Or maybe being out of the daily public eye at work will give me more courage to speak up?

And maybe this post alone with make me comfortable enough to blog about the pinching sensation I've been having near my cervix which I've been dying to blog about...because I can't be alone in this through pregnancy?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Focusing on the positive

Today something happened that really upset me. It doesn't matter what it was, just that it made me very angry, emotional & feel out of control.

I was ready to be angry about this situation for days. However, I don't want to give it and the people involved that power.

I have TOO many things to be happy about. There are the big life things; I'm healthy, my unborn child is healthy, my husband loves me and I love him, we're happy, my friends and family are all happy and healthy, we have great jobs, a house, a car and everything we need. If this is not enough to pull my spirits up...there are all of the wonderful little moments that happen all the time.

Since the anger-inducing incident this afternoon; I have finished a task I was putting off that I was dreading, which was neither difficult nor lengthy, and it feels so good to have it completed, I saw how much a teacher with whom I work cares about a previous student of hers and it makes me proud to work with such amazing people, I shared a fantastic inside joke with some coworkers that gave me a great belly laugh, it is 20 degrees celcius in the middle of October and just BEAUTIFUL outside and my little TNG gave me some great rolling kicks to tell me everything was going great.

Sure, I'm still upset about the thing earlier, but I will not give it the power to ruin my day, my week or my month. It is stupid and annoying but it will not define how I get to feel about all of these other amazing things. I have the power, the power to be happy, blessed and grateful...and I choose to give those things my power.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I have only had food aversions up until recently, but then this past Thursday night while lying in bed with Ian reading, I sat up and said, "Do we have any candy? What about the candy we were eating a couple of days ago? Is there any candy left? I really want some candy? Do you think we have candy?". Then I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs wearing nothing but a sports bra, rifled through the cupboards, FOUND some candy, ran back upstairs with hands full exclaiming, "THIS is why I never throw anything out!". I then proceeded to chow down on some chewy juice berries, creamy caramels and rockets.

When I was finished eating and had put the candy away, I looked at Ian, who had not said anything since I had started asking about the candy, and then I said very calmly and innocently, "I think I just had my first craving?".

Ian just looked at me and broke out in absolute hysterical laughter.

Oops ;)

One more of the wonders of pregnancy.

With love,

Monday, June 18, 2012

Second Trimester

Well after reading the posts I wrote in my first trimester I thought I should post a little update to let you know...I'm OKAY! I considered not posting some of those, I sound a little crazy in them! No kidding with the mood swings. I read my words, I remember writing them, and they feel like they were a LONG time ago.

So my update, other than the fact this baby does NOT like cake (only thing that has really made me barf or even feel like barfing), my mild nausea was all I really got. My belly finally "popped" about 2 weeks ago, and none of my pants fit, other than sweats. I got a headache today, about the second I've had with this pregnancy and I suspect it's due to dehydration, I don't drink as much water as I should. I know, I'm getting better, I just have to work on it. (taking a sip right now)

Needless to say compared to many mommies-to-be I have had it EASY and for this I am truly grateful. Yes, the crazy person in the first trimester was probably one of my pregnancy symptoms, but I've always been a little nuts.

So lots to update, but I'll try and keep it short. We have a midwife, actually midwives, we have a 2 midwife team. I'm very excited about this and Ian is very supportive in my hope and attempt to have a natural birth. When we had our first appointment with them we got to listen to the heartbeat. Very cool!

We had our initial testing done last week where we got to do an ultrasound and see little TNG (The Next Generation). It was probably the most unbelievable and amazing experience of my life. We have a little picture from the ultrasound and it's just so wonderful. It's kind of surreal.

Everyone knows now, which has totally fixed a lot of my craziness, no more lying. Family, friends, work...everyone! :) Thank goodness, that for me was probably the worst side-effect of pregnancy. I understand the reasons for keeping it quiet, but it really made me into a crazier person than I already am!

Other than that there's nothing really new. We're preparing for having a little one in the house in 6 months...6 MONTHS! :) We're both very excited and happy and blessed.

With love,

A step in the positive direction

Thursday, May 17, 2012 (end of week 9)

They weren't kidding when they talk about mood swings during pregnancy! I might not have morning sickness or major cravings or any of that yet, but zee mood zwings...zey are OUT OF CONTROL!

I've always been an up an down kinda gal. Feeling the highest highs and crying the biggest tears, but this had got me completely discombobulated. I'm trying to make decisions and plan for our future and since I'm not telling the rest of the world about TNG (the The Next Generation) for at least another 2 weeks, I feel like I'm lying to everyone, and I hate lying. Which has got me feeling down right horrible all of the time.

The mild nausea doesn't help, as I've mentioned before, I associate nausea with a gut feeling that something is wrong, so one of my decision making gauges is off and has thrown me for a total loop.

How am I supposed to make decisions in my career and for my future when I can't trust my own feelings, my decisions or my reactions to anything? Heck, maybe I don't even really want to make a change, and it's this crazy roller coaster that's starting the decision making process for me?

So add a huge dose of wacky emotions to the whole pot and I'm feeling almost constantly nauseous and miserable with tears plaguing my evenings.

Me, the girl who thinks of herself as Miss Suzie-Sunshine, Pollyanna, Mary Poppins, feeling horrible and miserable all the time. I'm just completely out of my element.

So this morning I am making a concerted effort to do and think and say positive things. I am going to think gratitude. I am going to turn my frown upside-down. If I feel like crying for the sake of crying, by all means, I'll let it out. But when there's something substantial driving it I'm going to work on turning the thoughts and feelings towards the upside.

Negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Questioning why into thankful gratitude. Worry and stress into breathing and peace. It does not feel like an easy task at the moment, the further down a dark path you travel, the further you have to walk back, but I know that the first part is taking a step in a positive direction :)

So, come on feet, here we goooooo... :)

With Love

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Fisher Ave,Ottawa,Canada

Strangers sharing

Thursday, May 3rd (week 7)

Today was a good day. Very little nausea and only a little of what I call "baby awareness" feeling. It's not quite cramping, but sort of a phantom pain in my abdomen. Like the feeling I get right before my period starts, before I get any cramps. At first it was a little scary, I mentioned it to the doctor and she said as long as there's no blood and no PAIN, I am fine.

Which leads me to the blood issue. I'm RH negative. Bleeding for me causes mild complications. If I get any spotting or a hard impact to my stomach I need to go straight to the hospital emergency room to get a needle. Basically I need a vaccine against the baby's blood in case it's RH positive. I'm aware that I'm thinking about it and trying not to stress about it, but it is worrisome. I haven't told anyone at work, and I won't be for at least another month (5 weeks if I can manage it). If something urgent were to happen I kind of just have to be like "okay, sorry, I gotta leave now". Which would raise all sorts of suspicions and concerns. Anywho...I'm trying not to worry about it.

It's interesting, we have a pregnant woman at work, tomorrow is her last day, and it's funny, now that I'm pregnant I realize that one of the only things we talk to her about is pregnancy. Seriously, THAT's what I have to look forward to. No longer talking about me, but talking only about what's happening to my body and the baby growing inside me. Funny enough we told one of the car dealers we were speaking with that we were pregnant, and he went on and on about his wife's labour and how she broke a stirrup and how Ian HAS to be in the room and be a part of everything or he'll regret it, etc. And I realized how AWKWARD being pregnant could get. Seriously, we've never met his wife but I know all about her delivery, seriously, that's weird. But honestly it's also kind of nice too...I mean, people want to share their wonderful stories, the most important event in their lives with each other. It really is something to bond over (with complete strangers).

Anyways, it was a really good day today. And tomorrow I am 7 weeks pregnant (with the understanding that I wasn't pregnant at all for the first two weeks. Seriously, pregnancy counting is weird).


May 2, 2012 (week 7)

So no real "morning sickness" yet. I wake up feeling fine. No soda crackers or ginger ale for when I wake up. But I do get what I will clasify as mild nausea. A slight distaste for certain food. However, I have always had a strong stomach, a voracious appetite and a great love of food, far so good. The "idea" of certain food makes me not want it, but once I start eating it, it seems to get better, manageable. Although I've started adding soda crackers to some of my meals, it makes my lunch soup bareable.

I have never had a "shut off switch" when I'm eating. You know, that feeling you get when you're full and your brain says stop? Ya, not me. Sometimes I don't feel the full and other times I don't hear a stop. Either way, I've always been able to "just keep eating". If pregnancy has given me anything, I've started both feeling full AND hearing the stop. It's pretty neat. This is something I'd like to carry on after pregnancy, now that I can recognize the feeling (although sometimes it is accompanied by nausea). Hopefully, I'll get more particular about what I want to eat, instead of "just everything".

Currently, other than some random, mild nausea and mildly achy breasts (they were much worse last week) I often don't "feel" pregnant. Not that I want any discomfort or major outward signs yet, but it would be nice to have more of a pregnant feeling.

Anywho...that's it for now. Surely things will change drastically again tomorrow ;)

Feeling Overwhelmed

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 (week 7)

Not about the baby so much, but just about life. I'm not unhappy, but I think that when life steps up and throws me choices to make and things to consider, it all seems so much MORE than what it used to be. It doesn't help that I'm feeling midly nauseous. I think I use nausea as a "sign" in my non-pregnant life, so when I'm feeling nauseous at the same time as I'm making a decision, it turns me off whatever I'm thinking about.

However, I will spend the rest of the day changing my overwhelmed nauseous energy, into excited nauseous energy. I will fill it full of gratitude. I am grateful for being blessed with pregnancy. I am grateful for having these options available to me. I am grateful to be healthy. I am grateful that I have a wonderful husband who helps me think through my options, and offers helpful support and opinions.

This is my first "baby" post that I'm writing, but won't be actually posting until we've announced it to the world. I was hoping to start blogging sooner, to share my first trimester pregnancy thoughts and feelings for other mothers, however, this is the first time I've sat down to put thoughts to paper. I'm hoping to blog many, many more times to share this wonderful journey.

We're Pregnant! it made me happy thing for a couple of months now has been that we're expecting. I have been blogging, only they've been hidden until now because we hadn't told everyone. I will be posting a couple of blogs that have been in "draft" status, so for those of you (2?) who are signed up for're about to get bombarded!

I've dated all of my previous posts because the posting date will throw off the timeline a little.

Yes, I plan to blog about my pregnancy. I find it very helpful to read what other women are going through, and who knows, maybe something I share can help someone else.

Mostly this blog is about what made me happy...and this pregnancy? It is making me VERY happy! :)

With Love

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Sunday morning, a day to sleep in and my brain wakes me up at 5:30 am, just firing away with a thousand thoughts a minute.

So what made me happy about this, losing my chance to sleep in? Possibilities!

I'm not even sure which was the first thought, so many of my future possibilities just popping up one after the other.
Should we:
- relocate to a new city
- have kids
- stay where we are and do major renovations
- buy a new house
- vacation in Morocco, France, the Canadian east coast
Should I:
- plan a recital for myself
- start my own company
- go back to school part time
- push ahead in my musical/theatrical career

And many, many more. These are just the more prominent thoughts.

I'm great with ideas, but when I have so many potentials floating around in my head, it's very hard to make a choice, much less sleep.

It's not just the initial ideas floating around in here this morning, my mind has taken over and has started the initial planning for each one; picking a space and musical selections for a recital, designing a nursery and choosing names, making an itinerary of everything to see and do on each of the vacation options, figuring out which city would be great for relocation, planning my new business and all of the steps required.

And none of these thoughts are linear, my mind jumps from one to the other and back again, while I try to fall back asleep, like a giant stew of Sarah-thoughts all swirling around in a hot mess. Pretty intense for 5:30 on a Sunday morning.

So what to do with all of these thoughts? Let them stress me out and exhaust me before my day has even begun, or be amazed by the unlimited possibilities out there for my present and future self?

I am truly blessed, not because I have these thoughts, but because each and every one of them is an actual possibility. I could consciously decide to do each of those things and see them to fruition. That's how amazing my life is and will continue to be.

So the question, which is a little too much for my busy brain this morning, is what do I want to do? At some point I have to make decisions and chose a direction. Although at the moment, even before bright on an early Sunday morning, I prefer to leave all of these options up to God and see where the road takes me.

And with that I shall try and close my eyes and see if my dreams will continue to add to the possibilities?

Good morning, sweet dreams!

With Love

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Jackson Ct,Kanata,Canada

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Just Scream!

Yesterday morning I got up, even though all I wanted to do was sleep in, due to exhaustion of being at the theatre every night this week. I had an audition.

It was an open call, and I had a show again later in the evening. I was worried there would be a long wait and I wanted to get there early and I already felt like I was running behind.

I have never auditioned for camera work before. I have seldom auditioned where a prepare song or piece wasn't required or where I wouldn't be learning a dance to perform. I was nervous and tired and excited all rolled up into a tight little ball.

When I arrived at the audition, there was only one person in front of me...and my stress level dropped. Then when I walked into the audition room everyone was nice and easy going...AND I got to quickly meet @suzemuze in person (I love meeting the Twitter world IRL) and my anxiety dropped even more.

I felt like the audition went well. I read, was interrupted by a street sweeper, read again, then received some direction and read again.

Then the best part, at the end of the audition they asked me to scream. Screaming isn't something I wanted to rehearse ahead of time. I wasn't necessarily "prepared" to scream. So I closed my eyes and wondered how I was going to do it. Then I opened my eyes back up, and SCREEEEAMED!!!!!

It. Felt. AWESOME!!! :) Partway through the scream I realized I was REALLY scared and not audition scared, but the fear that would cause me to scream like that, is the fear that I felt.

Yesterday was a very happy day! :)

With Love

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Centrum Blvd,Ottawa,Canada

92 Decibels

(back for good?)

I've been performing all week at the Shenkman Arts Centre in a show called Journey, which is the title of this year's Yoriko's Shooting Stars. It's a wonderful experience each year, spending time with the other vocal students, preparing a wonderful show and getting an opportunity to work on the stage again.

There has been a lot of happiness for me throughout this production, starting first from learning and adding a wonderful new song to my repertoire in less than a month, which I didn't know I could do, to the wonderful feedback from cast and audiences alike on the song itself, to finally tonight.

For the past two nights one of the staff at the Shenkman Arts Centre has been checking the SPL (Sound Pressure Level) of our show. Last night's reading for the finale was 96.7 decibels (apparently an average rock concert checks in at 95), and we do it without mics or amps. But what made me extremely happy is finding out that my voice during my solo tonight hit 92 decibels un-mic'd :) :) :) I'm just tickled pink about that. I'm going to do research about it tomorrow since it's all new to me.

And I'm already working on tomorrow's blog (about something that also happened today...sooo much to be happy about!)


With Love

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Jackson Ct,Kanata,Canada

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Gratitude and happiness

Today I am grateful for being able to sleep in on weekends, wondeful in-laws, and iced cider.

Today was a pretty fantastic day! Ian and I slept in (could've slept until noon, but we had things to do) and watched a couple of TED videos before finally getting up for the day. After a delicious cup of coffee, in which I only indulge on the weekend, we cleaned the house in preparation for a visit from his folks. Janet and David arrrived shortly after noon and after a short visit we headed out for Winterlude. We took them to Jacques Cartier park and I remembered all of the reasons I love Winterlude. It was the snow slides and the maze, the French Canadian folk dancers and the Ice Hogs, "La Tire" on the snow and a Killaloe Sunrise BeaverTail.

After a full day at the park, we hit the SAQ (Quebec's version of the LCBO) for evening provisions, and headed home. We made a delicious meal of tacos and opened the bottle of Iced Cider that we bought earlier at the SAQ.

It was wonderful to see the in-laws, get out to Winterlude and prepare a fantastic meal. I know, tacos don't sound like the fanciest of meals, but I made my own spice recipe for the beef and made a delicious homemade guacamole as a taco topper. I love working in the kitchen.

A great day all around :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oops...but LOTS this week

Well...already so much for my New Year's Resolution of posting a minimum of once a week! But I'm not going to let the 2 week delay deter me from picking it back up now.

This has been an extremely busy week and many things made me happy this week and all over the spectrum...of course mostly food related, but other things as well.

Out of left field...Jersey Shore made me happy this week. Strange and yes, maybe I should be embarrased that I watch it, but I make no apologies. I work in a high school and one way to understand the people by whom I'm surrounded all day is to watch what they watch. I also find it a great way to turn off my brain for a little while. Yes, Jersey Shore can be called the downfall of humanity, and our teenagers our watching this. But it made me happy this week because one of the characters, Vinny, suffers from anxiety and the topic became the main point of the show. There is so much depression, suicide and anxiety that our younge people are dealing with today. They are affected by what they watch in both negative and positive ways. I felt like the episode dealt with the topic in a very real way. He begins by telling people about his illness and about being able to talk about his anxiety and how important it is to be able to talk about it. He explains that if he was physically ill or injured everyone would understand but that it's more difficult when you can't see the illness. In an environment where drinking is praised, he talked about choosing not to drink, as it can only make the situation worse. He talked about ways he deals with his anxiety when the problem was only mild and that now that it has gotten worse again that he needs to remove himself from the current situation which is causing more problems and take himeself home to his family where he can work on getting better. Vinny explains that he is making the best decision for himself. I'm glad that a show with a very strong following of impressionable viewers has taken a look at mental illness. I hope that this episode helped a lot of people.

Other things that made me happy this food and food. I made candied orange peel on Saturday, which is a bit of lengthy process but ended up tasting fantastic, although now I have a ton of chocolate dipped candied orange peel...anyone want any?

I also made a wicked broccoli soup. It's much thicker and heartier than any broccoli soup I've made before.

Broccoli Soup
1. Sautee 3 diced shallots and 3 minced garlic cloves in 2 tbsps of butter until softened and your house smells delicious
2. Add 1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme
3. Add the following root vegetables, peeled & diced - half a sweet potato, one medium yukon gold potato, and one carrot.
4. Add 4 cups of broccoli
5. Add 4 cups of liquid, I used 3 cups of chicken stock and one cup of water and a couple bay leaves.
6. Boil for 10 minutes
7. Turn down heat, remove bay leaves and add a cup of milk.
8. Simmer for a couple minutes to heat the mixture.
9. Blend.
10. Salt and pepper to taste.

Also, we hit the slopes for the first time this year on Tuesday night. We headed out to Camp Fortune for the 2-for-1 Tuesday night pass. It was the perfect weather...aka, perfect temperature only about -2 degrees. I'm a fair weather boarder and like to feel the blood in my extremities. If I'm cold, I'm miserable. It was fantastic to be out on the slopes again, and after this past week's snowfall I can't WAIT to hit the slopes tomorrow night. Wish we could go today...but the minus 30 wind chill is not conducive to my wanting to be outside.

Lastly, this was a fantastic week at work. I've now been in this role for 2 months. This was the first week where I've really felt like I know what I'm doing. Don't get me wrong, there is still a ton of information to learn and process and figure out in this role, but I'm slowly but surely feeling like I belong. I love working in a school office. I am an office manager/administrator but I love being a part of the education system. I believe that everyone who works in a school, no matter their role, is part of the learning process and it makes me feel that I am making a difference every day that I get up and go to work. I feel blessed that I am in this role.

So a great week down and as I enjoy the view of the beautiful, but cold, view through my living room window I look forward to the week ahead. There are so many good things going on that I can't wait to share them with you. And with that enthusiasm I hope to post more short and sweet posts this week about all of it, rather than one lengthy marathon of a post. :)

Have a fantastic week!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day 2012

Today was a fantastic day filled with friends, fun and sheer laziness.

We had friends in from Toronto who arrived early yesterday. We stayed up until the AMs celebrating the new year. Before we headed to bed last night we all wrote down our new resolutions and intentions for the new year on slips of paper. Today after we'd all woken up and had a bite to eat we burned them in the fireplace, releasing them to the universe.

I love entertaining guests and the past two days have been brilliantly fun. I made so much food and although my kitchen is a bit of a disaster area right now, I couldn't be happier.

I'm exhausted and am ready for bed. I'm off to work tomorrow while the rest of the household continues to sleep in and enjoy their holiday, but I am looking forward to this opportunity to get in to work while it's quiet and start the year off fresh, with no mistakes in it.

I'm happy to be back to blogging, although I'm feeling a little disjointed in my "voice" right now. Hopefully my inner ramblings will sound more me-like shortly (or at least feel more me-like).

I hope all of your New Years's were as MARVELLOUS as mine! I can't wait to see what this 2012 has in store for us! :)

With Love

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Jackson Ct,Kanata,Canada

Happy New Year 2012 - back at it!

So only one resolution this year, followed by three words of intention. My only resolution is one of the same from last year, which started off strong but lagged as the year went on. My resolution once again is to keep up with the blogging. I'm not setting a daily blog goal, but I resolve to blog regularly, with an "at least once a week" (hopefully more) attainable goal. :). So you'll hear from me on here more often again. As for my intentions...I've taken the idea from someone I follow on Twitter and I've chosen three words to shape and focus 2012. My words for 2012 are Family, Security and Joy. These are my focus for the coming twelve months and I look forward to sharing them with you you on here :) :) :) See you soon! With Love ~sarah~ Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Jackson Ct,Kanata,Canada