Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I've been feeling a little run down of late. I have a lot on the go right now, and my body definitely needed a break.

So I'm listening to my body and I'm resting.

Last night I was in bed before 7:30pm and slept right through (with a short break for dinner just before 9pm) until I woke up this morning. My body needed it.

Tonight I've already had a half hour nap and now I'm already in bed and will post this and hopefully be asleep before 8:30pm.

It might seem like a lot of sleep, but I'm trying to listen to what my body is requesting and giving it the best I can. Right now that request is rest in the form of sleep.

And yes it makes me happy. :). It makes me happy because I feel better when I listen to my body. It makes me happy because I feel rested and can feel happier when I'm awake. It makes me happy because I want to enjoy moments like this when I have the luxury to really allow myself to rest.

G'night all...sweet dreams!

With Love

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Location:Jackson Ct,Ottawa,Canada

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