Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cuddles & Excuses

I've been meaning to blog for weeks now. Ever since the birth of our little angel; to document every marvelous and wonderful experience of being a new Mum. However, I've been busy, but I also think I've been avoiding it and making excuses, although I'm not exactly sure why.

Our precious doll was born a little over 6 weeks ago. I am currently lying here on the couch with her snuggled up on top of me. Usually I would nap with her, or throw her in the Baby Bjorn & get things done around the house, or watch another episode of Lost Girl (I'm addicted), but I realized while making excuses not to blog that now is the perfect time to break out of my writer's block.

I find it amusing that half of my posts are about how I'm trying to get started blogging. Obviously I've started, like a smoker quitting smoking again each week, now to stick with it.

My blog post ideas usually swirl in my head after my middle of the night feeding. I write full blog posts in my head, but am too tired to roll over and pick up my phone to write them out.

Well I'm hoping that this post will be the prelude to my Mommy-blogging days.

That being said, now that I've started things I think I'll take that as a cue to take that nap with this little darling :) because nothing on earth beats this feeling, lying here with this precious gift sleeping quietly and soundly on my chest. Smelling of that baby smell (clean, warm, breastmilk and joy), warm and cuddly, loving me and trusting me without thought or constraint. These days are numbered, some day she will be too big and grown up to share wonderful moments like this one, but for now I'm just going to soak up each second so I have a giant fountain of memories to remember as we create new moments.

With love

1 comment:

  1. You did it! I helped! Actually, I didn't help at all but I like to take credit for these things.

    Don't stress about blogging. You'll come into it again. You'll stumble into a routine as she gets a little bit older and that will free up some of your time to do something you love. If that's writing, so be it. If that's chatting with my on social media sites, so be it (I know I'm top priority, but sometimes you should blog.)
