Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What motivates you?

I have been feeling unmotivated for a while, in a number of areas. Professionally, weight loss, exercise, life direction. I continue to ask myself what motivates me? How can I get "started"?

Last week our weight watchers meeting was about motivation. Our levels of motivation change as our situation around us changes. When I first started Weight Watchers almost 3 years ago I was extremely motivated. I had just gotten back from a wedding down south and saw the pictures of myself next to 3 beautiful, slim, blond girls and I felt like a troll. My own wedding was 6 months away and all I could picture was that troll in a white dress. I was motivated to be the princess I felt like inside. That motivation pushed me to loose 32lbs in 6 months and I felt fantastic.

I had my motivation, my wedding day. Since my wedding day I've been "maintaining" my weight...although I haven't really maintained, as I have gained 10lbs over those 2.5 years. However, I can't seem to find the motivation to lose that 10lbs. Not even knowing that in a month I'll be spending a week in the DR, in my bikini, with a large group of friends. I'm happy with the way I look, I know I'd look and feel better if I lost 10lbs, but "better" doesn't seem to be enough motivation for me.

The same thing goes for work. I'm not motivated to go out and do something big or life altering because I'm waiting for something to shift where I am currently. For the past two years I worked my butt off and was motivated at work, but when, due to union boundaries, I had to take a lesser position (in order to eventually get back what I had permanently), I've just been "comfortable" to wait it out. Only I'm not comfortable, I'm restless, but not enough to motivate me to do anything big.

And the exercise, I'm getting more than I was, but not as much as I'd like to want to. In my head I'd love to be working out every day and seeing improvements, but I don't have the motivation to actually do it, and when I do go out and do it, it's not due to motivation but sheer force of will (and believe me...I'm forcing it). I like working out, but I just don't have the motivation to really attack it.

I've been extremely motivated to do all sorts of things in the past, but I am currently missing my muse, my enthusiasm, my motivation.

How does this all make me happy? At our Weight Watchers meeting this evening, a girl behind me talked about her motivation. How she has done the program more than once, successfully, and other times not so successfully. Last week's meeting about motivation did just what it was supposed to do, it motivated her.

When she spoke about her past week about tracking and exercising, about feeling good, feeling motivated she was so happy and excited, I wanted to join in her joy. I did, I was and still am so happy for her. I wish a weekly meeting could do that for me. It has in the past, I hope it will again.

If you read my blog, I'd love to know what motivates you. What motivates you to strive for better? To eat less and eat healthier? To get off your butt and move? To take chances professionally? To go out and take a risk? What motivates you to do that thing you say you want to do but never do? What motivates you to do that thing you have to do but don't want to? How do YOU do it?

With Love

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Jackson Ct,Kanata,Canada

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for participating in the #comforterquest I have my doubts. I told his son about how hard everyone is looking and I think it makes him feel good that someone cares. Caregiving is a lonely journey.
